Saturday, 8 March 2014

White Dee

I really dislike it when people criticise people on benefits. If you have the energy, motivation, good health (mental and physical), skills, brains, luck and stamina to work then good for you. Why don't those of you who work stop and start to scrounge off the benefits system? Is it really because you think that would be wrong? Or is it more because you wouldn't want to be judged, you actually get some reward in a way from working even if it is really tough and do bring in a bit more money than you would on benefits. Don't say how they don't deserve to be on benefits if you wouldn't even swap your situation for theirs! People say people that can work but just don't want to work shouldn't be on benefits. Why shouldn't they be on benefits! Most people want to work and if they don't I don't blame them for being on benefits. It is very hard to find work and it can be very hard to do work for people that want to work and are highly capable and healthy. So I can totally see why some people would rather be on benefits and would make that choice. It's hypocritical to say that them not working is selfish as they are not giving back to society as most people who do work are doing so for selfish reasons and not to give back to society. And then there are all the people that do want to work but can't because the job opportunities are just not there. I feel very sorry for those people as well. In summary, whether people are healthy but don't want to work, unhealthy(mentally or physically)but technically 'fit to work' but IN REALITY are not fit to work, or people that can't find jobs or people who are technically not fit to work, I sympathise and think everyone should stop criticising and should the f**k up and find ways to help and support them people in these situations.

So there is only one point I want to make about White Dee and that is that I don't like people criticising her for not immediately taking up these opportunities that have been presented to her due to her new found stardom. For someone who is bi-polar, becoming famous might make her condition worse and she should take time to consider these offers as she has found herself in a very unusual situation and she shouldn't jump into anything and certainly shouldn't be pressurised by the public into making a quick decision so that she is not claiming benefits anymore. These offers are not offers for normal jobs!! Particularly, she should be very weary about going on reality TV shows and how that would affect her mental heatlh and family life. It is obscene people suddenly criticising her for not grabbing 'amazing opportunities like that' when most people would absolutely hate to go on Big Brother and would never consider it.

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