Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Mitt Romney Quotes.....

When searching Mitt Romney for a picture of him, the first search option that came up was 'Mitt Romney GAFFES'... not encouraging.

Here are a couple of the many alarming things said by Mitt Romney in the third presidential debate....

"We are going to have North American energy independence... We are going to do it by taking full advantage of OIL, COAL, GAS, nuclear and other renewables)." Oh dear! Green issues arn't his priority!

"We are going to have to do more than just going after leaders and killing bad guys, important as that is!" Oh my god...

As for Obama, what he said differed very little from Mitt Romney's policies. He was obviously trying to win Republican votes. He said the same things, just more eloquently. I did like it though when he said to Mitt Romney 'The 1980s are calling and they want their foreign policies back!'!

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