I saw you...You were Joy, the beautiful girl in 51 on the Saturday night waiting for someone. I was Robbie, the poet full of gin. You gave me your number and ten minutes later I dropped my phone in to the club toilet, bye bye phone. Here's hoping kismet brings us back around; you seemed nice xx
I saw you...ginger bearded boy with the scuffed burgundy trainers at the Watershed watching Life in a Day on your own. You have a nice face I wish my face had said hello to it.
I saw you...well I wish I had seen you so I could say a big thankyou for returning my handbag after I left it in the shopping trolley at Westbury Park Waitrose last Saturday. Everything was in tact including the £20 cashback! May good karma come your way!
I saw you...Victoria in paperchase. i am buying fictitious reletives birthday cards just to see you.
I saw you...quite often in sainsbury's but then not for a while. Then one day I looked up and there you were, walking towards me with a bag of carrots. It was overwhelming and I didn’t know what to do. I remember thinking I should say something but I didn’t. I don't work there anymore. You had lovely brown eyes. It feels like a shame is all.
I saw.... your message "I saw you briefly, and it broke my heart all over again. I would give anything to see you again, I am so sorry I missed my chance. For what it's worth - I am completely yours now. If only you still wanted me..."
Not sure if this is the person I'm thinking of but if it is I'm just a message away as I've always been, so please just text me
I saw you...A vision dressed in black leather coat and long boots with gleaming black hair walking though the cabot circus saturday 20th August ,I loved your look so convincing ,although you probably didnt see me .I would welcome the chance to rectify that ,do these ads ever work I wonder
I saw you...on the number 7 bus from Staple Hill Going to the town centre. The most beautiful, tall brunette lady I have ever seen. Hair done up, cream jacket and denim jeans. Feel free to get in touch and let me know if you know I exist :) I'm 6ft 5 with brown hair and blue eyes and was wearing a grey jacket and jeans.
I saw you.... pretty girls of Bristol in all of your petite, early 20s glory.
There are so many of you and yet I find myself too paralysed by fear to approach any of you.