Friday, 24 August 2012

Meet The Devil...

How can one man have so many bad ideas! It is very distressing that this man is in charge of our education system. Whenever I read about one of his latest mistakes I virtually start to hyperventilate.

Thursday, 23 August 2012


Should We Bulldoze Into The Green-Belt?

(My thoughts after reading an article on the Guardian Website)
Should we bulldoze into the greenbelt? The greenbelt is the rural area that surrounds cities that is protected so that building can not take place on it. It is the suburban area. It is where the middle classes live where they can have access to the city and are also situated in amongst open fields and un built on countryside. The middle classes pay for this privilege and would not want to see this land built on. But at what expense is this to the poor? 5 million people in britain are waiting for suitable housing. Not building on this land means families are homeless or squeezed into inappropriate housing. It also means that people in cities are losing their gardens so houses can be built on them. On top of this, it means that schools are losing their playing fields so houses can be built on them. Green groups are allegedly promoting the idea that 2/3s of britain is concrete. Apparently though only 1/10th of britain is in urban development. What do you think? Do the middle classes deserve their suburban heaven? Do you support the green groups? Or should we bulldoze into the greenbelt?

The poor will starve so that the rich can drive....

(From the Guardian website) Biofuels are the means by which governments in the rich world avoid hard choices. Rather than raise fuel economy standards as far as technology allows, rather than promoting a shift from driving to public transport, walking and cycling, rather than insisting on better town planning to reduce the need to travel, they have chosen to exchange our wild overconsumption of petroleum for the wild overconsumption of fuel made from crops. No one has to drive less or make a better car: everything remains the same except the source of fuel. "reduction
The result is a competition between the world's richest and poorest consumers, a contest between overconsumption and survival, as the world's crops as used to make fuel rather than to feed. The demand for biofuel from crops will be met, partly through a in human consumption". The poor will starve so that the rich can drive.